


Yes, we ship internationally! 


Delivery time depends on the specific country, within Europe it is approx. 2-5 working days. Shipping cost depends on country of deliveryand on the weight of the shipment. Therefore, in some cases, you will find the price for a package up to 1kg and over 1kg in the shipping price list. The shipping price can be adjusted additionally. In that case, we will inform you about it by email:

 If your order is not delivered within 10 days of being dispatched, we kindly ask you to contact us immediately. We will do our utmost to investigate the issue and resolve it as quickly as possible. Please note that late claims will not be accepted, and if the package is returned to us, it will be resent at the customer's expense.


Country (home delivery): 

Austria - 6,5€

Australia - package up to 0,5 kg - 12€ / package over 0,5kg - 24€

Belgium -  13,90€

Bulgaria - 8,90

Canada - package up to 1 kg - 22,90€ / package over 1kg - 29,90€ 

Croatia - 6,90€

Cyprus - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

Denmark - 14,90€

 Estonia  - 9,90€

Finland - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

France - 11,99€

Germany - 8,9€

Greece - 7,80€

Hungary -  6,90€

Ireland - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

Italy - 12,50€

Latvia - 7,90€

Lithuania - 7,90€

Luxemburg - 16,50€

Malta - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€ 

Netherlands - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

New Zealand - 23,90€

Norway - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

Poland - 4,90€

Portugal  -11,99€

Romania - 3,90€

Russia - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€  / package over 2kg - 28,99€

Serbia - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€  / package over 2kg - 28,99€

Slovenia  - 6,9€

Spain -9,90€

Sweden - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

Switzerland - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

UA - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

UAE - package up to 1 kg - 22,90€ / package over 1kg - 29,90€ 

United Kingdom - package up to 1 kg - 12,90€ / package over 1kg - 18,99€ / package over 2kg - 28,99€

USA - package up to 1 kg - 22,90€ / package over 1kg - 29,90€ 


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